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Série Mighty G

The Mighty G series, available in two models optimized for either cruising or fishing, is built on a true pontoon foundation for a familiar and comfortable ride. Designed from the ground up, this series offers the flexibility of electric or gas propulsion.


Modèles disponibles

Mighty G Cruise

À partir de 30 648 $ (CA)

Compact and highly maneuverable, the Mighty G Cruise is the ultimate entry into pontooning. Compatible with either electric or gas propulsion, the Mighty G Cruise has a length of 15 feet, eight-inches and a seven-foot, six-inch beam, offering plenty of room for your favorite people.

Mighty G Fishing

À partir de 32 270 $ (CA)

Compatible with either electric or gas propulsion, the Mighty G Fishing model is designed to be the perfect entry to electric angling. Its 15-feet, eight-inch length and a seven-foot, six-inch beam, gives you all the room you need to cast in comfort.

L’expérience Mighty G

A man sitting with his son on a Godfrey Mighty G pontoon boat.

Mieux ensemble

Enjoy the best moments on the water on our comfortable bow seats. Whether you're headed out for a morning jaunt or sunset cruise, this is the perfect place to soak up time with your favorite people. 

Side profile of 2 people fishing on a Godfrey Mighty G pontoon boat.

Moulage et bobine

Passez votre été à remonter la prise de la journée avec vos meilleurs amis. Rangez les cannes à pêche, les coffres à pêche et bien plus encore grâce à notre rangement arrière pour cannes à pêche, offert de série sur les modèles Mighty G Fishing.

A family of 5 relaxing on the comfortable Godfrey Mighty G pontoon boat during a lake cruise.

Le confort que vous pouvez ressentir

Kick back, relax, and enjoy every day on the water aboard one of our durable Mighty G models. Built for the whole family, spend the summer making memories to last a lifetime. 


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Polaris Inc. 2100 Hwy 55, Medina MN 55340

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